Saturday, August 12, 2017

Session 2, Dinner 5 with Chef Hardette D. Harris

Last night's dinner guests got the awesome opportunity to sample the Official State Menu of North Louisiana, prepared by the creator herself, Chef Hardette D. Harris. The menu showcased dishes that highlight North Louisiana’s cuisine - simple, fresh Southern food.  Chef Harris is the owner of  Pure Louisiana Soul - Food Tours and Tastings and offers Private Chef Services ~ Casual-Homestyle-Healthy Personalized Chef Services.  Check her out, but in the meantime, here's what she prepared for us. [Keep Reading...]

First up, Fresh Vegetable Frittata, Mahaffey Farms Smoked Sausage & Mayhaw Sauce. 
Now, I make vegetable frittatas all the time or at least I thought I was making frittatas, until I had these.  Mine are obviously "fake-ttatas".  These were so light, fluffy and super luscious!  The Mahaffey Farms smoked sausage added the perfect amount of salt and paired with the sprouts and the sweet mayhaw sauce for soppage, I was in heaven (and asked for seconds)!

2nd Course - Mustard & Turnip Greens with Cornbread and Tomato, Onion and Cucumber Salad with a shot of Pot Liquor
I should have taken a poll asking "Are you a drinker or a pourer?"  I know that you guys think because I love "soppage" that I was a pourer, but not last night.  Last night, I was a drinker and I drank my shot of Pot Liquor!  Now don't get me wrong, for the love of soppage, I dipped  my cornbread a few times and it was fantastic!  Everything about this course was on point and I had no complaints.  I may just borrow that idea of serving a shot of Pot Liquor next time I prepare greens and am feeling fancy.
**Pot Liquor (or likker) is basically the liquid that is left behind after boiling greens or beans**

 3rd Course - The Best Southern Fried Catfish with Concord Pinto Beans over Creamy Grits
This was a first for me.  I've never had beans served with grits and I pray that it's not my last.  Do you see the beautiful golden color of the fish?  It was so pretty, crispy and well seasoned.  The same went for the beans and grits as well, each bite was full of flavor.  The thing that surprised me most was the fact that after each course of Southern food, I didn't get that familiar heavy and wanting to push back from the table feeling.  Each course was light but still packed big flavor.

4th Course - Roasted Sweet Potato Casserole with Candied Praline Pecans
& Cane Syrup Cream Sauce
Last but definitely not least, we have dessert.  This was phenomenal!  This course too was so light and airy - it just about melted in my mouth.  If it had not been for the pecans, I may have forgotten to chew at all.  I could eat this for breakfast, lunch and dinner!  YUM!

Viva La Food Prize and Chef Hardette!  See yall next time!

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