Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 8: Table for One

The fam bam has been giving my veggie feast the stink eye since day one.  It's truly a house divided...meals for them and meals for me.  So needless to say there are A LOT of leftovers at my table for one.  I'm so tired of my repeat offending but waste not want leftovers it is *sad face*   Here's today's menu:

Breakfast:  Strawberry Banana Smoothie

Mid Morning Snack:  1 handful of roasted no salt pistachios

Lunch: The last of my soul veggies (cabbage, butter beans and yams) THANK GOODNESS!!

Afternoon Snack: Stacy's Garden Veggie Medley™ Pita Chips and I brought salsa to eat with them but they were so tasty alone that I didn't eat much of it.  Bad news is, as much as my mouth enjoyed it, my system rejected this snack.  It wanted no parts of it and had to go.  I felt HORRIBLE. 

Dinner:  If I even eat as I'm pre-posting this and not feeling well, I'll have pasta leftovers from last night.  I swear when this is over I'm eating a different meal everyday for 21 days straight!  See ya'll tomorrow!


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