Tuesday, November 05, 2019

To Work Out or Not To Work Out -- That is the Question!

A good chunk of money and a few hours spent turning your beautiful coils into a flowing mane later, and here you are, faced with the dilemma....to work out or nah?  Decisions, decisions girl!!!  Unfortunately, many black women perpetually avoid the gym due to their attachment to maintaining their hairstyle. This very attachment is said to have contributed to a societal epidemic when it comes to the health of black women.  I'll be the first to admit to having skipped a gym day (or three) after a fresh do, because I didn't want to sweat my hair out (or waste my money) with both relaxed and natural hairstyles.

Tell the truth -- has a fresh flatiron, install or updo ever stopped you from working out?  I honestly think we've all been there and there is TODAY for me!  I did a little research and decided to try out a few techniques that may help maintain your straight natural hair at the gym. 

Day1 - Low Ponytail & Bantu Knot

I pulled my hair back into a low ponytail, brushing to ensure that it was nice and smooth.  I then proceeded to Bantu knot the remaining hair, securing with a hair tie.  I tied all this down with a du-rag AND put on a hat.  This way the hair will for sure stay flat and hopefully dry well.
Low ponytail with Bantu knot

Tied down with a du-rag.

...added a hat to secure it all, while I got it in!

Day 2  - The Take Down

Pleasantly surprised!  I allowed my hair to dry over night and took it down the following morning.  I was feeling the curls that the Bantu knot created BUT by the time I got to work and got settled in, the curls were turning into a full blown ball of frizz!
Completely dry hair and fluffed the next morning.

Frizz reared its ugly head by 9:30 AM

Needless to say, my flat-ironed-do is reverting back and I didn't plan on reapplying heat to maintain the style.  I guess it was cute while it lasted!  If you are a head-sweater like me, working out with flat ironed hair definitely presents challenges if you want to maintain the straight look.  Not sure what to try for tonight but stay tuned for Day 3's results!  Have any advice?  Let me know what works for you, I'm all ears and frizz apparently, LOL!

...until next time!


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