Thursday, July 06, 2017

187:365 - It's National Fried Chicken Day - Yummy!

Random much?  Yep, that's me, random is as random does.  I've picked back up on my 365 photo challenge but I am NOT making any promises to keep it going.  Random and avoiding commitment, reckless, aren't I?  LOL!
Today is not only the 187th day of the year, it is also National Fried Chicken Day!  I'm a foodie, an emotional eater and I really don't need a reason to have a "good to you, but bad for you" meal, but for the sake of all things celebratory, I went to Southern Classic Chicken for a late lunch.  Before even taking a bite, I had a light bulb moment and decided to use my food in today's photo.  Fried chicken and a Photoshop edit later, here you have my submission to today's Capture Your 365 post, Day 187 - Photograph Luscious, Juicy | Yummy | Scrumptious. [Keep Reading...]
I jokingly talked about avoiding commitment earlier but I am about to, once again, make a commitment to health and diet by eating better.  I plan to embark on the 21 Day Cleanse I did a few years ago mixed with Simple Green Smoothies Thrive 7 Day Reset to detox and rid my system of all the garbage I've eaten lately.  Weight wise, I've topped my heaviest weight EVER and I no likey, so I am doing something about it!  Yall,  I struggle so badly, how do you health nut, healthy lifestyle folks do it?  Any suggestions for staying the course and not falling off and having National Fried Chicken Day everyday???  I'm all ears, legs, thighs and wings!!  Let me hear it!


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