Tuesday, March 26, 2019

National Spinach Day - 10 Fun Facts About Spinach

Although I think that spinach gets a bad rap,  I love it.  I use it in smoothies, juices, soups, omlettes, I sub it for lettuce an other greens in my salads and my sandwiches.   I get a trill seeing my smoothis turn bright green from just a little handful of spinach.  It makes me feel like I've done at least ONE healthy thing for the day.  I think Popeye had it right!  Eat your spinach folk!

In celebration of this glorious holiday, here are 10 fun facts about spinach! 

1.  March 26th is National Spinach Day! 

2.  Oxalate, found in spinach, may cause kidney stones for those who suffer from them.

3.   It's quite magical how a huge pile of spinach cooks down to almost nothing.

4.  Spinach is on the "dirty dozen" list of produce with the most pesticides. Rinse your spinach! 

5.  Green smoothies made with spinach are the most beautiful green color!

6.  Spinach is low in calories, is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin A, and minerals, especially iron.

7.  Two U.S. cities claim to be the ‘spinach capital of the world’: Crystal City, Texas and Alma, Arkansas. Each April in Alma, there’s a spinach festival.

8.  Spinach leaves are a mild diuretic and mild laxative.

9.  Medieval artists extracted green pigment from spinach to use as an ink or paint.

10.  Even animals love spinach....maybe! LOL

Enjoy your spinach today!  See ya'll next time.

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