Tuesday, June 07, 2011

...and we now interrupt your regularly scheduled program

Working out has drastically decreased my TV time, which is a good thing, I supposed. My faithful M - F routine used to be: wake up, TV, work, home at 5:30ish, hurry up and do anything that needs to be done before 7, because from then one, every hour (or half hour) on the hour, there was some regularly scheduled programming with my name on it!

Nowadays, things are different, I still manage to catch my morning news shows, but after work, instead of rushing home, I'm now driving like a bat out of hell, fighting 5 o'clock traffic, rushing to get a good spot at aerobics! I really miss my shows but I must say that my couch potato days are behind me. Now it's just a gruesome fight to get rid of the french fries and tator tots all that couch potato TV watching has left me with! *sigh*

A body at rest tends to stay at rest, a body in motion tends to stay in motion!

Stay healthy and fit folks!

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