Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Woman, Oh How Simply Complicated Art Thou!

Woman:: (noun) - a hormotional creature yet to be understood by the male species. Doesn't always know what she wants, rarely says what she means and manages to somehow confuse herself when trying to make her point but so eloquently makes her confusion all make sense by the end of her sentence. Absolutely brilliant creatures...okay I'm biased, LOL!

As a women, I can honestly say that our needs are basic; time, attention and affection will get you a long way but the way in which that time, attention and affection is delivered makes a helluva difference. Just because you're at home, in the other room, watching the game doesn't constitute as you spending time together. Just because you say "uh, huh...yeah" every other word while engaging in conversation doesn't constitute as her having your attention and that loving smack on the ass, uhh that aint gonna get it for the affection department either!

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure those deliveries work some of the time, but not ALL the time, switch it up, throw a curve ball in the game and surprise her. By all means you can KISS (keep it simple stupid) but be creative...that's simple enough right? And ladies, he may be silently dying inside but when he sits down and watches that entire (okay maybe 10 minutes) Lifetime movie with you, that's some priceless QT and it wont hurt to let him know that you appreciate it. If you reward good behavior, more good behavior follows! LOL! Good boy!

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